Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Thursday!

Does that mean tomorrow is Friday? Yay!! Seems like this has been a long week! Next week is Taylor's last week of school, finally. I can't believe they go so long. When I lived in South Dakota, we always got out middle of May! So I best get some things planned for her or it will be a long summer! I spent yesterday at her school for Field Day, lunch outside with all the kids and then they each did a presentation in front of the parents and showed their dioramas that they made of a state that they chose. Of course she chose South Dakota since she was born there and her grandparents are still there. I love seeing her in action. Speaking of school, I created this little teacher card for the Melissa Frances newsletter for June. All of the products here are by Melissa Frances except the button and twine.

Do you like sketches? I was asked to be the guest designer for a new sketch site called Creative Scrappers, come by and check it out this weekend. They have a new sketch and featured designer each Sunday! We will also be having an on-line chat in their forum HERE on Sunday evening June 22nd at 9:00 pm EST! Hope you will join us!

Before I get some shut-eye, I just wanted to remind all you card makers to enter a card in the Paper Crafts Gallery Idol contest! You must enter a newly made card never before seen into their gallery with the theme of "friends". I entered 2 cards: The Best of Friends and Gift of Friendship. Last year I made it into the top 5! Hurry and enter! It's fun and they give away lots of prizes! Good luck to you all!

Have a great weekend! G'night! ~Danielle~


.jessica jo. said...

love me some sketches! im gonna have to check out that new site!

Mimi Hornberger said...

Love this, it's great! This is great. Love it! TFS! XO, Mimi

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous.. wow!! Love all the special details on your cards.. truly amazing talent!! :) I *LOVE* MF stuff, so that doesn't hurt either! lol! Yum!

Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! Made my day! Added you to my blogroll too! :) Have a wonderful weekend, Danielle!

danni reid. said...

absolutely heart your teacher card, it's so soft and beautiful. you being a teacher already knew that.... ;)

Your idol cards are pure Perfection, no wonder you were in the top 5 last year. Can't imagine any better though, wish I would've seen that.

hugs & love!

Nathalie Kalbach said...

I so love your cards- they are rocking my heart!

Staci Taylor said...

Gorgeous card!! Glad school is finally almost over - I always loved field day as a kid :-) And happy birthday to your DD - my son is 3 1/2 - it's a fun age, isn't it? Thanks so much for your comment on my blog, Dani - what you said was so sweet!

Jennifer said...

what a fun bunch of updates :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutley stunning, Dani! I don't see how you can't win the contest-your cards blow me away:)

Patty Tanúz said...

Hola!!!! Your cards, like always, are so beautiful!!!!! Kisses from México!

Malin said...

Ohh ytou create so much fantastic stuff!!!
I Love everything :)

Raechelle Bellus said...

Conrgrats on the fun GDgig!
And your cards for the Idol contest are spectacular!!! Good luck to you, but I can't imagine you not making it all the way girl! :)

Kadee said...

This is such a cute card! I love that frame!

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful card Dani! Absolutely gorgeous as always!

Leslie Ashe said...

HI sweet girl!! CONGRATS big TIME on your GDT!! I'll have to check that site out! :)

LOVE your stuff!! Always the prettiest thing ever!! :)


mborrero said...

thanks for sharing. beautiful.