Thursday, November 6, 2008

Somebody stop me! =)

I really need help! I can't stop creating shaped things, cards for example. Don't get me wrong, I love shaped things, but I think I'm much too addicted. =)

Last week when the challenge at Card-a-licious was to create a shaped card, I made 2 and couldn't decide which one to use for the challenge. Well, I decided to go with the Halloween one, since it was right before the holiday. So here is another one I made with a crown shape and used the same process in Photoshop with the crown shape instead of the moon.
Everything here is Melissa Frances from the Little Guy kit: paper, stickers, ribbon, die cuts and rub ons are MF as well. Pearl gems and twine are from the craft supply.

The little box is actually a gift card box that you would get at Barnes and Noble. For some reason I had some of these lying around from last year and thought it would be a neat idea for a baby gift, to wrap up a baby gift card in the box with these cute little guy papers. Very easy project!

Speaking of little boys (or boys in general)...I have a kit that I would love to give away to one of my blog readers. It is a Little Yellow Bicycle Kit called "Zach's Life" that has a neat fold-out chipboard album, 12 papers, 6 fabric borders, chipboard alphabet, stickers and even an acrylic stamp set inside! I don't have any boys, so I thought I would pass it along to someone who can use it. Just leave me a comment if you are interested, and I'll choose a winner this weekend! =)


Linh C. said...

Aww, what a sweet kit!

Tracey said...

That crown card is FABULOUS!!!!

I would love a shot at the kit. I love the Zach's Life line!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
Looking forward to seeing your card kit at create my keepsakes.

Kristin said...

Love the crown used for a boy! My son is always wearing my daughter's crowns, and I had never thought of "The Little Prince"! Thanks for the inspiration! I could definitely put the Zach's Life kit to good use :)

Erin Gudge said...

OMGosh, I need to pick up some of that Melissa Frances, I LOVE IT!!!!!

The Zach's Life stuff is great, too! :)

JuliesAddiction said...

Got two little boys i can use that for!!! love love love that card. you are so talented!!

Shannon said...

I have 3 boys, all under the age of 5! I would love to win that great kit!

Anonymous said...

I love what you did with that Melissa Frances paper!!

I was thinking of you toady as I was using my Oct CMK card kit. The mix of papers and embellies is working perfect for my Halloween pages!

Anonymous said...

I would love the Zach's life stuff Danielle- i have 3 boys so it totally would get used!!! I love your shaped cards!!!

Shirley said...

Adorable crown card and would love a chance to win the Zach's Life! Plenty of photos of my grandsons that would work great!

Debbie said...

That is an adorable crown card! I have that MF paper - gotta break it out again.
As the mom of four boys - I'd definitely find a way to use the Zach's life goodies, LOL.

just lisa said...

Dani, you make the best cards - love them always no matter what you do I am always inspirted!
So sweet of you to do a giveaway!!

Kadee said...

I'm not gonna stop you - I loved you shaped cards! Ha ha! I LOVE Melissa Frances and I love all of the amazing this you do with her products! Thanks for the inspiration.

I would love to win the kit! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Jenn said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love that crown card--so cute and creative. Always love seeing your creations!

Lucy Chesna said...

love love the are amazing and would be cool to win the kit

Unknown said...

OH I have 3 little boys that need momma to make that kit! LOL
Love that card! Love that little prince sentiment!
Thanks for the chance Dani!

Dolores said...

OMG that card is just gorgeous! love it

Darlene said...

Love all ur creations. I hadn't bought any melissa frances products til I found ur blog. Ur awsome plus cute daughters. Oh and would love the kit.

Toni said...

Two little boys in my family - thanks for the chance!

Babydoll said...

This gift set is sooo adorable!! Count me in for the give-away! :)

Beth Root: Music Teacher said...

This is the sweetest. Your intri ate detailing is so after design. I LOVE looking at your creative designs...TFS!
beth Root

JoEllyn said...

Gorgeous as always!!! I love that crown and the sentiment is perfect!

Shelly K. Hein-Simmons said...

Wow! Love your unexpected use of a crown for a boy theme! Amazing design!! Love your work, would love that giveaway prize!
Your designs have totally made me a MF fan in a big way!

Melissa Bove said...

WOW! What a beautiful set! I love the crown card!! Would love that giveaway to scrap my little prince with!! Thanks for a chance!

Hugs, Melissa

Cass said...

Love your shaped cards! :)

Thanks for the chance to win.

Aimee Kidd said...

So glad you are having this give-away so I would find your blog! I LOVE your designs, they are great!!! I feel so inspired here, so into my favs you go!

DeAnna said...

What a great card! I love boy stuff!! I have 3 of them and lots of times I feel like all that is out there is girlie things!! Love it!

Linda said...

Please dont stop creating shaped things they are all so gorgeous plus they give us the reader of your blog inspiration.
Linda- Perth Australia

Caleen said...

I have visited your blog a lot and you are very talented. I love the cards you make.. Gives me hope and inspiration for the things I love to make also.. I really love your blog header.. Did you do it yourself? all digital I suppose.. I don't know how to do digital.. I guess I really need to learn.. I never tire looking at your blog and seeing the beautiful cards etc.. that you make.. Thanks!

Daniela Dobson said...

Dani, this is beautiful! I love all your shaped cards. I know they take a little longer to make and maybe soon I will have some time.
I would love to win some cute boy stuff!

LisaM said...

Love the card Dani! So cute!

Amy W. said...

oh, put me in please!!! Wow, Dani..that card set is too stinkin' cute! very inspiring as i have a new nephew coming. :)

Amy Wilges

Anonymous said...

I love your creations. They are very insiping. Little Yellow Bicycle is great, could definetly use with my 3 boys!!!!
thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I just love your work Dani, these are so precious! And I'm LOVING your shaped cards... keep it up :)
Happy Friday! ~Rae (& her two boys ;)

Tracey Taylor said...

I absolutely LOVE that card!! :)

Jennifer said...

I love looking at your creations. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm living LIFE with a Zach of my own!

Michelle said...

I am not commenting cuz I wanna win, I am commenting cuz YOU ARE AMAZING!! Nuff siad....I LOOOOVE your work! :-)

Diana Waite said...

I LOVE this stuff! Great card! You truly inspire.

Marlou McAlees said...

this is absolutely adorable Danielle :) x

Laurajean said...

Omg are just too dang talented...browsing your blog, you have some of the cutest projects that you have created, can I PLEASE be you when I grow up....You ROCK girl!!!!

Shirley said...

Don't stop making shaped cards...both the moon and the crown are really beautiful! Thanks so much for the chance to win some great candy. I love your blog and your art!

Anonymous said...

great crown and box like always...
you have an amazing give me inspiration to want to work on things for my twins.. -jamie

Deb said...

Fab card & box Dani.
I`d love to win this kit. My twin grandsons will be making their appearance into this world very soon & I will be busy busy busy scrapping their photos.
Deb x x

Anonymous said...

I *love* that crown card! So cute!
I would love to win some boy stuff! My boy will be one year old in a few weeks and I haven't scrapped ANY of the...oh, 500? I have of him! I know...shame on me!

cindyr said...

Thanks for this chance, I love LYB line. Great projects can cards, you are such an inspiration.

Tessa said...

I love your blog! Thank you for sharing your ideas and your talent with us. Thanks for the chance at the Zach's life kit.

Anonymous said...

I really really like it! you are a great inspiration for us shm of two!


Sharla said...

I love the crown card. I have two little boys and would love the boy kit - thanks for having the give-away!

Lori Renn said...

Love that crown card! As soon as I'm done with all of this Christmas stuff I am going to make some! I'd love the LYB line. I've got THREE boys! Drowning in testosterone over here! :0)

Unknown said...

You cards are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I would love some fresh, new boy stuff to play and create with! your blog is so inspirational. Keep the creative juices flowing...we love it in Michigan!

1scrappycat said...

Just want to say that I LOVE your work! I have 2 boys (9 and soon-to-be 13!) but tons to scrap of their younger years. :)

Anonymous said...

Your artwork is just incredible!


Anonymous said...

I love that little prince crown! How adorable is that!!

With 3 little boys (10, 7 and 9 months) I'm always looking for cute boy things. Would love to win!! :)

Tammi C

Mel said...

Your album is awesome...truly fun.
I'd love to win the lots of little boys in the family!

Life as Linds said...

I found your blog through! always an inspiration!

Zarah said...

Adorable! Both your artwork and the papers! :D

tina said...

Is it too late to enter for the fabulous boy pack?? :) :) I am new to your blog and linked here from your GORGEOUS card in two pea's gallery... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE some great boy paper - I just love scrappin' about my lil' man but have a hard time finding 'good' boy papers! Hook up the newbie!!! :) haha.

Mama Tuttle said...

I'd love a shot at the kit . . . I know it would be great fun!!

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

I love your little prince card with this crown!! :o)
A great idea!! Is there a template somewhere, if I may ask?...

I have a boy and I would love to receive the kit you're talking about! How generous of you to have such a give away. :)

Have a nice Saturday evening!
Hugs xx

Anonymous said...

So so so CUTE!!! You are TOO good!!!

Karina Beck said...

Wauw so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

this is gorgeous :)

Lisadwb said...

What a cute card!! The crown is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Grandma Lavina and I (JOsh) are checking out your blog, and we are liking what wer're seeing. I (josh) am hunting and visiting Selby. Guees what was for dinner.....? DUMPLINGS!!! I added your site to Grandma's favorites, so she will be checking in with you.Hope all is well, we send our love to you and the girls , but not Tracey. JK. :)

Take care much love.

Anonymous said...

oohhhh!! I have a 7 yr old boy and would love to win this!! I read your blog almost every day and just adore all your projects, you are such an inspiration!
TammyG (cant remember sign in id. lol)

Lisa J. said...

That is a beautiful, sweet creation!

Ingrid said...

Gorgeous card. Love the crown shape. Don't count me in for the give away, because I don't have any boys either. Make someone else happy! ;-)

Sherry Williams said...

so very cute!! I think that crown is adorable.
I just love all the things you make. they always make me smile and wish i could receive just one. :)
i have a son, so i'd love to be in your giveaway-thnx.
sherry in md

Anonymous said...

I ADORE your shaped cards, Danielle! I wouldn't mind if you kept making them so go right ahead and create them to your heart's content! LOL! ;-D

These projects are too cute! The MF set that you used are so everything that MF comes out with, and you have the wonderful talent of showcasing them so beautifully!

Thanks so much for the inspiration! :)