Thursday, May 28, 2009

A day to remember...

Thanks so much for all your sweet anniversary wishes! We had a beautiful day and ended up going to Lake George for a bit and walking around, then did a little shopping and out to eat later with some friends. My sweet dh bought me a ring at the mall, something I wasn't expecting at all!

The other night, my daughter Taylor had a Hero Night at her school where they choose someone in their life who is a hero to them and wrote a speech about them. She chose me! I was surprised...usually daddy is #1 around here. lol Anyway, so we went to hear her speech and the school, it was so sweet listening to all those cute kids tell their stories about their moms, dads, grandpas and grandmas and cousins. I was teary-eyed about all the things she said about me. Sure makes you realize how important you are to them!

This photo was taken before we left, so I decided to scrap it right away:Everything is Melissa Frances on here with a few exceptions: the gray Thickers, the swirl transparency by Heidi Swapp and the black polkadot background which is Pink Paislee.

I stitched some little pearls on the top that I found at the craft store.
The chipboard flower is Melissa Frances and I embossed it and then painted it silver very quickly.
I stitched over the photo for the flower stem. I think I might type up her speech and tape it to the back (in case she needs reminding when she's a teenager what she loved so much about me - ha!)
And I made a couple of cards for the next Paper Crafts call for Valentine's Day cards. Crossing my fingers. XX These are made with all Pink Paislee - Enchanting products. Pearls are Melissa Frances.

I made the pin myself on this last card using craft store pins and jewels. There are so many choices in the bead section! I had a hard time deciding which ones to get. I can see another addiction coming on! ha
I'll be back soon! Take care,


milkcan said...

Your work is so beautiful! That layout is to die for! Love it!

Lisa said...

Your daughter choosing you as her hero is so heart warming. My daughter left a note for me last year saying she wrote about me in a "hero" themed report at school...and she was a senior in high school at the time. Something tells me your daughter won't need reminding later. :)

Love the layout and the card! And I say go for that new obsession! The beaded pin is beautiful!!!

Leigh Penner said...

I love your layout, Dani (& how great that she chose you as her hero!) and fabulous picture, too.
Lovely cards, as always-- good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

My 27 year old daughter wanted me to take her to the doctor yesterday and wanted me in the room also. when we were waiting for the doctor she said "Boy mom its been a long time since you took me to the doctor" , and then she said , sometimes you just need your mommy!! It was so adorable!!! Moral of matter how old they get they still need they mommy's every now and then!!!

Eva said...

WOW....sooooo gorgeous Dani!!!

Anonymous said...

that is so so sweet, Dani! your work is gorgeous!

Liz said...

Gorgeous Danni.. as always

Steph said...

Your layout is beautiful, Dani! I love what you do with MF products (which I am also addicted too!)...which border punch did you use on your 'sweet' card? It's so pretty :)

Staci Taylor said...

I love your gorgeous cards and that layout is so beautiful!! You always have such gorgeous details! Happy belated anniversary - glad you had a good day!

ellen s. said...

happy belated anniversary and i think you daughter doing that is just the sweetest, greatest gift ever! beautiful projects!

Melonie said...

SO glad you had a good anniversary. We almost dropped everything and went to LG last week. I would have screamed and died if I saw you walking down the street and got to finally meet you IRL! I love it up there. The Christmas shop is my fav;)
Love your new page. Such a sweet story. Happy weekend.

Nicole said...

Wonderful cards and the photo you used on your layout with your choice of colors is so soft and lovely!

Shirley said...

Love that your dd thinks you are her hero! She's right you know! Very sweet journaling and love the layout! You are always such an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

You must have been so proud to hear your daughter talk about you being her hero.
Love the pin you made for the card Danielle :)

Anabelle O'Malley said...

Love your hero story. The layout is gorgeous!! And what a cool idea about the beads on the pin!