Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rock on!!

Do you ever have one of those weeks where everything just seems to go right and things fall into place all by themselves? I am having one rocking week, I tell ya! I don't want it to end. Let's see...I have lots of cool news to share!

I received an e-mail from Deb over at Say It With Letters asking me to join her team! She makes very neat wooden items. Check it out! Her design team call is still going until the end of November if you love to alter things!

Then I found out I made it on the team over at Sketch This: Cards as a new card designer! I can't wait to get started and meet the other girls..thank you so much for choosing me, Janelle! Each week a new card sketch is posted for you to use and get inspiration from.

Memory Makers Magazine is going to be featuring a page of mine on-line! I am not sure when yet..but I'll keep you posted. It is a fall page that I did of Taylor.

Yesterday, I went on an awesome bus tour to 5 scrapbooking stores in Conn. and Mass.! It was so much fun. I actually met Katarria from A Cherry On Top! I didn't even know she worked there. She noticed my name from my credit card. That was too funny! I also got to meet Retta, a lady here in Albany who I've been chatting with on-line. Thanks for going, Retta, I had a wonderful time and it was so fun meeting you in person. And guess how much the whole bus spent on scrapping supplies yesterday...a whopping $7,700!!! Yikes!

And one more for I actually googled my name because I was bored and wondered what would pop up. (You should try this on your name if you haven't yet! Go to and enter your name.) And this is what I found! Many, many months ago, I submitted a layout to Home and Garden TV (HGTV) for their Christmas in July call and never heard anything back from them. Well, I guess they did decide to use it and posted it on their website!

Now if I could just win the lottery! hee hee I hope you are having a great week too. Thanks for reading my blog!


Unknown said...

WAY TO GO DANIELLE!!! That is quite the news... great BIG congratulations for all of your recent accomplishments.... YOU ROCK!!!! :) ~rae

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your success this past week!! As a huge fan of your work, I am not surprised everyone is snatching you up!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW Dani , that is awesome ! Im so happy that things are going so great for you ! You deserve it !

Regina Easter said...

Hey girl I am so glad you are having an awesome day/ deserve it and blessed and have a blessed weekend....hugs regina