Monday, July 21, 2008

thank you!

Thank you so much for everyone who follows my blog and voted for me in the Paper Crafts Card Idol contest! I made it on to the next round! The theme this time is monochromatic cards (all one color). Voting has started and you'll have until Thursday at noon to vote for your favorite card and then 10 of the 15 people will move on to the next round!

Here is the link to see all of the cards: Monochromatic cards
Here is the link to my card: Snowflake card "Baby It's Cold Outside"
(To vote, click on my card and underneath you will see "to vote for your favorite, click here".)

I chose to go with white, not so sure if that was a smart move or not! It was so difficult to get a good photo of this card. I used 2 pieces of Maya Road sheer snowflakes and tied them together to make a card. I added a resin frame, chipboard letters, chipboard snowflake, ribbon, and rub ons by Melissa Frances. I also added some "snow" on the top of the snowflakes with white paint and glitter which it's a little hard to tell in the photos.

Thank you so much for your support! I'm having a lot of fun with this contest and pushing my creativity. I've never made a monochromatic card before!

Here are a couple of cards I made for an on-line magazine called Scrapbook News and Review. They wrote to me a month or two ago and asked if I would do an article about myself with 2 unique cards just for their magazine and here is what I came up with. This one is made with SEI's Chick-a-Dee line and a Melissa Frances rub on, chipboard flower and resin frame.
The Lazy Days of Summer was made with some Pink Paislee Spring Fling papers, a Riff Raff chipboard butterfly, a Melissa Frances rub on and chipboard flower and the little sun is from a piece of Sassafras Lass paper.
Wishing you a happy day today! Thanks for visiting me! Hugs! ~Danielle~


Unknown said...

Love your cards! I voted for you =) Good luck on going on to the next round.


Mama Tuttle said...

Dang . . . that Snowflake card is probably the coolest card I have ever seen in my life . . . and I have seen a lot of cards!! You are rockin'!! Congrats!! Oh and I voted for you by the way!!

Leslie Ashe said...

I LOVE your stuff girl!! :) I voted for you!
GORGEOUS creations you've got up, I LOVE them ALL!!!

That snowflake card is AMAZING!

Staci Taylor said...

WOW! Your snowflake card is jaw dropping GORGEOUS!! I think you'll be moving onto the next round ;-) Love your creations for SBN&R, too!

Anonymous said...

Those are all so great! Good luck in the contest, hope it goes smoother this time around...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Danielle!!! Love your card for this round!! I'll wish us both luck with this round! ;) LOL!!

angie worthington said...

love all the cards that you have posted today!!!..will go vote for you at paper crafts, for sure!!!...i don't think you should doubt yourself with the white, that is an awesome card!...good luck!...
;) angie/AMR: craftyscrapr

Norma Kennedy said...

Congrats girl- Im here rooting for you.... I luv the snowflake ..very creative !


Nicole said...

GL Dani! I love your cards! I am sure you will make it through!

Haberdawoman said...

Like I said before your cards are beautiful! Congrats on moving on to yje second round, and of course I voted for you again, hpw coula I not? That snowflake card was incredible.

Kadee said...

That snowflake card is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I love all of those Melissa Frances pieces! I have a hard time finding Melissa Frances...where do you purchase your supplies?

roree said...

Total gorgeousness! Btw, I voted. ;) Good luck to you!

Babydoll said...

Very pretty stuff!! Loving that snowflake!!

Lori said...

Wow! The snowflake card is so creative! I love it and I told them so!

Kristine said...

HI Dani!

ok.. that winter card looks like a magazine cover! you go girl!!!
Good Luck!!!

Dianna said...

You're truly an inspiration. You got my vote! The snowflake card is gorgeous!

Jona Panesa said...

oh dani. i couldn't stop drooling at your cards. so beautiful.

Scossie Jane said...

Your Snowflake card is awesome, no problems moving through to the next round Danielle, well done, you've got my vote, no question xx

Anonymous said...

Your card is the most amazing card I have ever seen...just beautiful and so of course I vited for you :)

Erika M. said...

I love all of the cards - I voted for you today! Good luck

creasa said...

This is all so gorgeous! Good luck with the contest...that is the coolest snowflake card!

Tracey Taylor said...

You outdid yourself with this snowflake one. Just voted!! LOVE it. this is not to say the rest of the cards you posted here aren't gorgeous as well. I love everything you make. Best of luck with the contest.

Davinie Fiero said...

That card is delicious. Of course I voted for you!
Your stuff looked great at the PP booth, m'dear. I also loved the Melissa Frances layout you had. So pretty!


Mary said...

Love it! Stopped by the Idol gallery and voted for you!

Kadee said...

Hi Danielle,

please visit my blog - I am passing on an award to you!
