Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March card kit sneak peeks!

Here it is, the next card kit from Create My Keepsake, which will be available to members in a couple of days! The kit is fun and springy with Making Memories Flower Patch papers and chipboard (GORGEOUS!) and Cosmo Cricket's Girl Friday line as well! I just adore these little chipboard buttons that are already stitched on and the felt butterflies are so cool!

The papers are all 12x12, so you can certainly purchase it for a layout kit too (and are double sided except the die cut ones). So....I'd love it if you would leave me a comment and tell me:

1. Do you subscribe to any kits, and if so what do you like best in a kit? (Or what draws you to a particular kit?)

2. If you purchased a card kit, would you like to see examples of cards that are simple and quick to make, or more complex with new techniques that push your ability level?

I have a few copies of some scrappy mags to give away to 3 lucky people and will choose winners in a few days from those who leave a comment:

Cards Magazine - January 2009
Scrapbook Trends - February 2009
Simply Handmade - Dec/Jan 2009
Thank you so much for your input. I will be back soon to share pictures of my cards created with this beautiful kit! If you have any questions about the kit, feel free to ask or e-mail me: dflanders71@hotmail.com.


Amos said...

Oh my, the last time I left the first comment on something I didn't win. But I hope to this time. I just started using my hoarded pile of scraps to make cards, and those magazines would be a GREAT inspiration. I will have to leave comment later on too maybe, for luck.

Diana Waite said...

That looks like a SUPER fun kit! Thanks for hour inspiration!

Teddyree said...

I find your blog inspirational; thank you for sharing.

I don't subscribe to any kits but I purchase them every now and again & I usually go for the ones that have lots of different coordinating embellishments. Love having an assortment of goodies to use, when normally I would only be able to afford to buy just one packet of chippie or flower co-ordinating embellishments.

I prefer getting examples of more complicated designs and techniques. I can come up with the simple designs myself so its nice to have something that's challenging.

Shaun said...

Hi Danielle, I am a daily reader of your blog and I believe this is my first comment. I love your work; it is so inspirational. I am crossing my fingers in the hope of winning the 'Handmade' magazine. ST is my favorite magazine and I have not been able to get my hands of the 'handmade' issue.
So, I am crossing my fingers! I hope you are having a groovy week!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to the Create My Keepsake kit because I saw the beautiful cards you made on SIS and just love them! This kit looks gorgeous, I can't wait to get it!
This is the only kit I subscribe to b/c of cost and I like that I don't have to buy it if it isn't my style. Thanks for posting sneak peeks:)

Unknown said...

I used to subscribe to a kit, and what I liked most about it was that it included a variety of sizes of papers, tags, and other embellishments, along with stamps and new techniques to try. I'm always looking for variety and challenge, whether it's for a paper or card kit.

madcapfrenzy said...

I don't subscribe to any kits, though I'd love to. I'm actually very new to the papercrafting world. I do love challenges, so I would love difficult projects, however there are somedays I just want something quick and simple. (so both work for me)
Thanks for the peeks, so cute! Have an awesome day!

Nancy Wyatt said...

Awesome kit! I have been shopping around kit clubs so I can take the plunge! This one sure does have me interested!

Anonymous said...

I joined Create my keepsake becuase of your cards!! And I love it!! I LOVE your inspiration!! So...to answer your question I think that if I see alot of inspiration with a kit, it makes me want it!! And I like more complex with new techniques that push me!!!Becuase I love to learn new techniques all the time!

Jennifer said...

I soooo love this kit. Here are my answers:

1. No, I do not subscribe to any kits b/c I don't want to be committed to having that amount of money already spent for the month.

2. I would love to see BOTH types of cards. We all need a quick, easy idea from time to time, but I also love seeing a new idea that will push me in creating.

Scrappinology said...

Hi Danielle! I don't subscribe to any kits because I am just now getting into card making and scrapping kits just don't interest me. However, if I did consider one for cards it would have to definately be one that pushed my limits. I have always been one that believes if it is simple it may be nice but too easy. I know in this wonderful world of paper crafts there are only so many techniques to show as "new" but I still believe there is more to it than just a die cut on a piece of cardstock. In seeing the peek of your March kit I see there are many good elements, and added to on hand items there is the possibility for great cards...and the cards you have on your blog are just the cutest ever! I think you have alot to teach us!


Creative Busy Bee said...

Once you add a new blog i will come here. Wow so yummy giveaway. Hope I am one of the lucky star(Pray hard)!!

Theresa/Tette said...

Thanks for all the inspiration! Have a nice day!
Best regards Tette

Anonymous said...

I currently subscribe to SEI kit of the month. I used to get a monthly Create My Keepsake kit. If I was to get a card kit I would like the samples to have new ideas on them. I am inspired by samples and ideas.

Anonymous said...

Loving the colors of the kit. It is so bright and vibrant. So many ideas are running through my head already. Thanks for sharing!

jeanie de la rama said...

hi!i susbscribe to studio calico. i like how they combine stuff from different manufacturers. plus their exclusive items are also great. :)but i don't subscribe to card kit, not a card enthusiast.

Jingle said...

The kit looks FABULOUS!!! I really like those papers! Nice and fun and springy!

amycornwell said...

I don't currently subscribe to any kits, mainly because I already have so much stuff at home. But to see cards & items made with the kits would probably be inspiration for me to consider purchasing a kit that I really like.

Thanks for the giveaways and the continuous awesome ideas on your blog!

GabrielaD said...

I just looooooove those magazines and would be thrilled to win one. Thanks for the chance. Your blog rocks, btw. Full of great inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I do not subscribe to any kits, but I do buy kits occasionally with unusual embellishments, especially bling. I like more complicated cards that give me fresh ideas for new techniques.

Gale said...

I don't purchase kits. I'm always thinking I may not like a lot of the items. A card kit would be a different idea & popular. I'm always for pushing the limit!

M@risk@ said...

I don't buy kits because I love to go to the scrapbookstore and combine the items for my layouts and mini's myself. I'm a lurker here and like your blog very much.

Anonymous said...

the kit i get monthly is create my keepsake, I do love your cards and the kit has a variety of stuff I have never purchased or sometimes never seen before!

Anonymous said...

I was subscribed to the urban-anthology kits. Now I'm getting the Kiss on the Chic kits. I'm drawn to the gorgeous new papers and the fabulous embellishments - flowers, sparkle, ribbons.
I guess I'd like examples of both - something simple, but also a tutorial on an advanced technique. Some days you're up for a challenge and some days you just want to get something easy accomplished.

Eva Sanz said...

Pues dejo aqui un comentario a ver si soy una de las afortunadas.
Besos y gracias

Mary said...

I don't currently subscribe to any kits although the idea of kits is super. I'm always looking for ideas and techniques to push my creativity. So while I like quick and easy, I would look for more of a challenge!

Alicia said...

1. Do you subscribe to any kits, and if so what do you like best in a kit? (Or what draws you to a particular kit?) I don't currently use kits but have been looking into them more and more. I like not having to find matching things when I need a quick card. If I had a kit it handy it would make my life easier :)

2. If you purchased a card kit, would you like to see examples of cards that are simple and quick to make, or more complex with new techniques that push your ability level? I like to see samples and ideas. I usually take a piece of an idea and then let my creativity flow to make it mine.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Denmark, you are such a inspiration to me.
XOXO 10na (Tina)

mustangkayla said...

1. I currently don't subscribe to any kits. But that is becuase I had a very expensive pregnancy and delivery and a week of NICU bills. But to answer the later part of the question, one of the things that draws me to certain kids is the overall value of the kit. What you get for what you spend.

2. YES YES YES! I'd love to see examples of cards, both quick and complex.

Anonymous said...

I buy My Creative Keepsake card kits and the only reason I do is because you give the instructions and photos of the cards.
Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Random Acts of Krafting said...

I have subscribed to Mosh Posh who offer wonderful monthly craft kits. I really like an assortment of papers along with matching embellishments. Variety is the key. If I purchased a card kit I think I would prefer more complex techniques that push my ability. It is always nice to learn.
I love the kit you have posted, beautiful spring colors!

Anonymous said...

I just purchased a layout kit from Swirlydoos. It is beautiful. I love the combinations of papers, flowers, rub-ons, etc. And I love to see what others made with the same kit on the website. I like to see new ideas that challenge me. Simple seems boring to me after seeing more embellished cards and layouts.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a super fun kit!! can't wait to see your cards :)

Melonie said...

Awesome kit! I am loving those Girl Friday papers.

Lan said...

Fun kit and awesome giveaways! Looking forward to seeing your creations.

Anonymous said...

I sure would love to win one of those great magazines. Thanks for the chance. Hugs, Nellie.

Moon Hulsman said...

I love reading your blog
I love al kind of card kits
I love both of the example's
and I love give aways
so this is fun
Hugs Moon

whoistracy said...

I actually don't subscribe to any kits yet but I've been looking for one! I make cards mostly but am starting to scrap (this morning was my first attempt!). I'd love to see lots of embellishments that coordinate like ribbons, buttons, stickers, alphas, chipboard, etc. Seems like you get soooo much paper in a kit and not too many embellies.

1scrappycat said...

I haven't purchased a kit..yet...Colors would have a big impact on what would draw me to buy one!

Anabelle O'Malley said...

I love this month's kit. I'm always drawn to kits with lots of coordinating product, but not from the same line. Love your samples. You know me, I'm a techniquey, detailed gal. (no need to enter me in the giveaway, but thanks!)

Anonymous said...

I love the colors of this kit, so fresh !!! I love to examples of cards or scrap pages with my kits, it just gives me a jump start sometimes... Thanks for all the great inspiration ! Your Blog is awesome !!!

Anonymous said...

Love this kit. I subscribe to the card kit. I've bought 3 since joining and love them all.
I also enjoy making the card that you create for the kits. Thanks so much for creating them.

Cathy Pascual said...

Firstly the kit is gorgeous Danielle!
I love the Girl Friday line....

1. Do you subscribe to any kits, and if so what do you like best in a kit? (Or what draws you to a particular kit?)

I think the kit just has to speak to me. I tend towards bright colors but a little shabby, vintage and lots of unique embellishments.

2. If you purchased a card kit, would you like to see examples of cards that are simple and quick to make, or more complex with new techniques that push your ability level?

I'd love to complex cards with techniques.

Anonymous said...

I am a member that gets your card kit. I adore all of your work and joined just to learn new techniques from you. I love that you always push the envelope...pun intended....i must say that I want complex cards and to be pushed.

Julie Overby said...

Hi Dani!! The kit membership I'm apart of is CMK and it is of course not a monthly commitment. That's what I like about it. As much as I would LOVE to have a box on my step EVERY month, sometimes it just doesn't work out that way!

I think as far as a card kit, I think seeing some examples would be very inspirational. Especially from you!

I don't have any of these three mag's. and I'm thrilled at the chance to win. Thanks for a chance at such a generous give away!!

ellen s. said...

it looks so soft and pretty! i love the embelishments, too. i like when a kit has a mix of pp's. i don't buy a lot of kits that all of the same manufacturer line in them. anyone can do that, kwim? and i would like to see cards that pushed my ability.

Chrys said...

Cute kit!!! Can't wait to see your cards! :)

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite new lines from Making Memories. It's just too darned cute.

Rosanne said...

I subscribe to one kit and what appeals to me in a kit is one that puts together interesting items.

Anonymous said...

I purchase Kit since 6 month, i really love all of them... i love that because i have a lot of new lines, and better in that i have your card witch one i love so much..

I love to have a lot of button, paper, enveloppe, idea

I love to see YOUR card... but i will love to see maybe one per kit more complexe card... i really love in the last kit the airplane, and in the last last the valentine boxes... If you will add a technique to push us it will be great too

thank for asking

Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

This kit looks gorgeous, I can't wait to get it!
I don't subscribe to any kit, I used to, but I've been looking for one! I'd love to see lots of embellishments that coordinate like ribbons, buttons,alphas, chipboard, etc. Seems like you get alot of papers in a kit & not to many embellishment.

just lisa said...

1. I love kits that flow together and are put together beautifully with lots of embellies, alpha and trim. I also like the newest products in kits. I do subscribe to some kits.

2. I do subscribe to a card kit on and off and I love to see examples of cards and especically new techniques to push my level of scrapbooking.

Thanks for doing a giveaway Dani!!
Can't wait to see your new creatiions!

Sarah H said...

I don't subscribe to the kits but I often purchase random kits. If I feel I can use them to scrap something I've taken pics of.

I like seeing the kits both with simple things and with the more challenging projects. That way depending on the time I have I can do either or both!

Thanks for the chance to win.


Audrey Pettit said...

The kit looks gorgeous, Dani! I actually co-own a kit club, the Paper-Playground......so I definitely get that one! But now I just love kits.

Nicole said...

Looks like such a soft and springy kit! Lovely!

Staci Taylor said...

Dani, please don't register me for the RAK - I just wanted to tell you I can't wait to see what you do with the kit, as I know it will be amazing as always!!

Whitehills said...

I have never bought a card kit. Most of the cards I make I just put together but card kits seem to be all put together instead of crazy find something fast.

Anonymous said...

I haven't subscribed to a card kit. Absolutely I would love to see samples in any card kit I purchase. I like the process and the techniques more than pure creativity. I am not a natural artist but love scrapbooking and card making all the same. keep the samples coming.

AbbieTorroll said...

that kit is GORGEOUS! seriously, it is calling my name! :)

And I don't subscribe to any kits, I just buy as I see:) lol and I would rather have intricate card examples with new and unique techniques!!
Have a great week!

Julie said...

I love Scrapbook Trends! Lots of inspiration.

AHadley said...

I don't subscribe to any kits at the moment, but I'd be most interested in kits that have items that aren't immediately used up. Inks, stamps, small tools, Tattered Angels, stuff like that :)

BabyBokChoy said...

Right now, I only subscribe to the kit for which I am designing. However, I've subb'ed to over 6 kits. What draws me to a kit is always value.

Every time you put up a card, I save it onto my harddrive :) :) I figure that it will be out for pub so I save it for myself, I love your work, for inspiration and for lifting. But when I make my own cards, i tend to make relatively simple ones. But I would love to see complex techniques, coz simple ones, I can make without problems.

Anonymous said...

I don't subscribe any kits. But i like this kit very much. Its a pity that the shippingcost are very expensive. Thanks a lot for all the inspiration you give away each time. Moon69

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Danielle you are soooo generous...my fingers are crossed!!! :) Bonnie x

Tessa said...

I absolutely love the cards that you design. I just recently subscribed to the card kits and create my keepsake after seeing your cards on your blog. I think you do a gorgeous job as they are. I think the kits should alaways push us a little bit and get us to try something new. If I wanted simple cards I could make them without a kit! I Loved the sewing last month and the grungeboard. I embossed, painted, and sanded mine and plan on making a mini book out of it.
I also subscribe to the piggy tales kit, just to get the paper lines. They aren't available in lil' ol' South Dakota!

Anonymous said...

I don't get any kits, but this one is sure cute. I tend to just buy little bits here and there.

Thanks for all your great ideas! Love them all. And thanks, too, for the chance to win one of these magazines. I could spend hours pouring over idea books!

Rachel S
Spooner, WI

Anonymous said...

no dont subscribe to kits clubs, have thought about it at times...cards i would have to say both quick and easy but love to learn new techniques

Unknown said...

I love the juicy colors in this kit. I don't subscribe to any kit clubs, but I've purchased a few kits. I find that I rarely want to use the kit the way it was intended and end up mixing and matching the supplies from it with other things.

Tracey Jean said...

I subscribe to the SEI kit - in part because I love their products, and also because I get one kit every 2 months. What I'd like in a kit club is no monthly commitment, kit previews, ideas/instructions, and lots of embellies.
I'm just getting into cardmaking, so I'd want a mix of quick and easy, as well as new and challenging. I think that the combination of the two would be great so that both the new and the experienced received some value. Besides, sometimes you're getting ready for bed and realise you've got a birthday at the office in the morning, and sometimes you want to do something beautiful and elaborate for someone special.

Anonymous said...

1. Do you subscribe to any kits, and if so what do you like best in a kit? (Or what draws you to a particular kit?) I DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO ANY KITS. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU COULD AND WHAT THAT ENTAILS.

2. If you purchased a card kit, would you like to see examples of cards that are simple and quick to make, or more complex with new techniques that push your ability level? I WOULD DEFINITELY LOVE TO SEE EXAMPLES IF I BOUGHT A CARD KIT.

tyumenqueen said...

What a fabulous kit for this snowy afternoon....hope I am picked!!! Right now I don't belong to any monthly kit groups, although I have in the past. I like a mixture of easy to do but also include some to push my limit...how else do we learn? Thanks for a great blog....vicki from Oklahoma

Anonymous said...

I'll answer the Q's for you. heehe...:)

I buy a kit because it has the latest stuff that is hard to find.

I would rather see new techniques rather than simple.


Sherry Williams said...

Hi. :)
I subscribe to amillionmemories kits. they are wonderful and pretty. i use to get SOMO (story of my own)kits and they were my all time favorite, but they seem to have sadly disappeared. :(
I just recently ordered a kenner road kit and it was really cool and happy and very inspiring. Id like to get a sub with them I think.
love all your ideas and creativity!!

Jenn said...

I've never subscribed to any kits, but that's not to say I wouldn't. I like the idea of examples that are simple. However, I am open to more complex techniques....how's that for on the fence. I like simple and quick, but I do like a challenge. Great Blog Candy...thanks for the opportunity!

Toni said...

I am a member, who gets the card kit from CMK and also the page kit from The Scrap Room.
What I'd like in a kit club is no monthly commitment, good kit previews and lots of papers from different manifacturers.

I like simple cards and so I prefer to see examples for them.

Shirley said...

I love all your cards Dani! The best kit for me would be one that pushed me out of my normal card making box. Would love something a little different and a bit more involved than what I would think of on my own. I subscribed to Treasured Scrapbooking's card kit because of you and then you left! So sad! They were awesome when you were designing! I need a Dani kit fix!

Melanie B said...

I do scarlet lime love it....so different, would love to subscribe to more but the $$$ from USA to Aus are too high. I think it is the fact it takes a bit of the thinking out of it, you can still be creative but when you sit down it is all there for you to play!!! No procrastination.

2. Would love to see examples of cards (especially yours) I have been a stalker of your blog for awhile now!!! LOOOOVE YOUR STUFF.

Sandy said...

I don't subscribe to any kits. I want to but I am afraid to commit...LOL

Anonymous said...

Ohh my this kit is too cute - can't wait to see your fab creations!

1. I love kits and currently I sub to Studio Calico and Label Tulip. I love that these kits always have a bit of vintage to them, colorful and the way thy mix different manufacturers is amazing!

2. If I were to buy a card-kit I would want to see a sample of a rather complex card that used a fun technique.

Anne said...

I love coming to your blog for the great inspriation I've found. thanks. I don't subscribe to any kits and I havn't bought any kits.

Anonymous said...

Yup, couldnt get enough of kits. I am more of a whismy kind of person so I totally love Scarlet Lime. I am also a subscriber of QTea Kits with all its cherry colors. I love found objects and uniques stuff that is not so available in the general retail store.

For card kits, I would prefer ones that teaches me new techniques than simple cards which I can easily copy from magazines.