I can't believe I've had 3000 hits on my blog! In honor of that, I'd like to have a small give-away! Just leave me a comment and I will choose someone by this Sunday for a little RAK from me. Just my way to thank you for coming to visit me and letting me share my work! It means so much to me.
I'd like to share a couple of layouts too..I know, they are two totally different styles! I received some Hambly in the mail that I won on their blog, so I HAD to try it out! (transparencies) Aren't they cool? And the top one is just a little layout I made of Kati from last fall. I just found a shirt at Baby Gap for her the other day that really inspired me. Not to mention the yummy paper and photo corner from Melissa Frances that I used on it. Mmmm..I have got to get me more of that stuff!
Oh, and if you aren't too busy this weekend..stop by
Treasured Scrapbooking for a Cyber Crop! We will have tons of challenges, prizes and fun make-n-takes for you! Hope to see you there!