Monday, September 10, 2007

I am in the mood...

for a wedding! Yesterday I worked on a couple of wedding cards..I liked both colors and couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I will post both of them! I ADORE these Melissa Frances products..the papers, little frames, and swirlies are so beautiful. I finally found them at the Scrappy Gourmet! (The service is awesome there too, by the way!!) All of the rub ons are from the Creative Imaginations' Memories rub on book except the "love awaits" saying which is 7 Gypsies. I'm so excited that we are finally getting some precipitation..we really needed it here. Puts me in the mood to scrap too!
Happy Monday,


Marlou McAlees said...

stunning cards!! what a beautiful range Melissa does too :)

Samm said...

Gorgeous cards again!!! love the rub ons.... think I may be tempted...: )


Regina Easter said...

oh my goodness girl....i really really really really really love these cards....regina

Holly said...

Gorgeous!!!!! Dani your work is always amazing!

janet said...

These are stunning!!! You need to send me a card...I want to see your work in person!!!

Meri said...

these cards are probably the most beautiful i have seen in a long time. gorgeous colours, papers and detail!!!love love love meri

Patsy Jackson said...

Stunning cards - love them both!

Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog Danielle :)

Gosh my slideshow is kind of out of date so I don't think you saw the most recent stuff lol!

Patsy x