Friday, June 27, 2008

How about another challenge?

Today was my day to post an item made from a sketch over at the Pink Paislee blog, so I decided to make my own sketch this time! I would love it if you would all play along, so how abouts a little challenge? Create a card or layout from this sketch to be entered into a drawing for a RAK from me! Here is the sketch:

Here is the card that I created from the sketch. I used lots of yummy Pink Paislee goodies!

On the inside, I decided to add a photo of my girls taken the other day at the beach:
...and some die cuts to add my sentiment for the person receiving the card:
If you'd like directions to make this, please visit the Pink Paislee blog HERE! Link me up to your creations made with the sketch by the end of the day July 4th and I'll choose a winner to receive a little prize pack from me! Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you have a terrific weekend!


Amber said...

i love this card, i cant wait to go home and make one!!!

Leslie Ashe said...

I LOVE this Dani! GORGEOUS work!!!!!

Shirley said...

This is just awesome! Another great Dani creation!

Jenyfur said...

Terrific sketch, amazing card.

Unknown said...

ohh love the sketch - may give this one a go -- your work is always so inspiring!

bibbi said...

Beautiful card Danielle! :) I have made a card for your sketch - you can find it here:


Cathy Pascual said...

what a beautiful card!
your creativity never ends!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card!!! So much eye candy on it!! Love the sketch! Putting it on my 'to do' list!! :)

Melonie said...

OK...that is totally gorgeous. Love that pic of the girls too! So sweet. Happy weekend!

roree said...

What a fun sketch! Love your card!

Tina said...

I love the sketch and I LOVE the card even more! Just gorgeous Miss Dani!!!

All moments remembered said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I have to get out my spring fling now and try that. I am so excited to have you design with our kit at AMR this next month. What a treat it is for us! THANK YOU!!

Ruth Philps said...

Thanks to you being featured on INSPIRATIONAL I have discovered your totally gorgeous Blog and saved you to favs!!
Your work is just beautiful and inspiring.

CraftyC said...

YOur card is stunning, a great sketch and what you've done is fab!!

Amanda L. said...

love your example card...especially the pic of the girls at the beach!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dani...I thought I'd take you up on your challenge. Great sketch, and I love your card. Here's my take:'s in three "pieces".
I hope you come up with more of your own do a good job of it!

Jona Panesa said...

dani, this is such a beautiful card.

Kristine said...

Hi Danielle! I love this sketch and your card looks awesome!
You can find my card for you sketch here:
Wedding card

Lori said...

Thank you for the fun sketch! Here is my card:
Marie Antoinette Card

Anonymous said...

Beautiful as always Dani! I'll have to try this one!

MadissonC said...

Congrats on making it to the top 20in the Paper Crafts Gallery Idol!!! You definitely deserve it! Your work is such an inspiration.


Jennifer Hansen said...

Thanks for the sketch. Here's my take on it!

Michelle said...

Hey Danielle!! I love you blog! This is my first visit, but I'll be back!!! Your work is amazing!!! so inspiring!!!! :]

Karola Witczak said...

Hello Danielle!
You an amazing and very inspiring artist, so I have given you an AWARD :)- see more on my blog. :)
Hugs from Poland!

Agnieszka/Mirabeel said...

Your cards are absolutely stunning!You're amazing!!

I have made a card for your sketch - you can find it here:

Kristine said...

Hi again Danielle!
I've given you an award!
Take a loko here:

Amy Teets said...


Renee Lamb said...

what great inspiration girl! love that sketch - if I had more time - I'd certainly play along but I saved the sketch and will play along eventually! Happy 4th!!! And love all those pics below!!

Anonymous said...

I love your sketch so much that I couldn't wait to make a card from it. Your card is just amazing too.
You can see my card here...

Anonymous said...

I'm back, Danielle! :) And with a magic link to my card.. ;) LOL!! Your card is very inspiring! Iffy on how mine turned out.. but it's done. ;)

Kate O'Brien said...

amazing. your work is simply fabulous!

tessa said...

beautifull sketch!!! Here's my try..

Anonymous said...

I got mine done Dani! I hope it does your sketch justice. I don't think this design was made for this pp. It doesn't look right so bright but it's a start for my card making! Thanks for the inspiration. Btw, the flower on the lip is suppose to look like it's sitting on the leaves!

Kadee said...

Fun Challenge! Love the sketch! Here is what I came up with:

Jeannie Phillips said...

I visit your blog are so do the most beautiful this one..picked you for an award.see my blog for details.

Anonymous said...

that sketch is so fun (and the card ain't bad either, LOL!)

Here is the card I made:

Anonymous said...

Danielle.. this is probably my 3rd comment on this post.. hahaha!! But I just wanted to let you know that you've been 'tagged'! :) If you wanna play, check out my blog!

Krista B. said...

Your card is Gorgeous : ) I loved your sketch. Love your work!

Here is My card

Anonymous said...

Love this Dani! I got mine done and here is the link!

Have a great 4th of July!!

Julie Allain said...

Hello I'm Julie from Inspirational and I have given you an award HERE

Bea said...

Hello, this is very inspired !!! Today I make my own card!!! Thanks for this idea! :D