(The rules....link your tagger and list these rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.)
1. When I was 5, I was bucked off a horse that I was riding on with my dad and landed on a cement thing face first, had 2 black eyes!
2. My dad was/is a home builder, so we moved almost once a year! I went to about 7 different schools. We lived in every house before it sold.
3. I love change, am always changing things around my house (like paint colors..LOL).
4. I am a Gemini (which might explain #3). Love to read my horoscope.
5. I am a total girly girl...as you can probably tell by my scrappy work...when I was little and all the cousins would visit the farm where my grandma and grandpa lived, they would all go outside and jump the hay bales, and I was content to stay inside with grandma and paint our nails together. ha
6. I am very shy in real life. I have overcome it a little bit, but yes, still shy! I wish I could be loud and obnoxious sometimes, but it's just not me.
7. I taught elementary school on the Indian Reservation in South Dakota. What an experience that was! I will never forget it as long as I live. My classroom was K-2, a multi-age classroom.
ok now i will pick 7 scrappy peeps to send this to...how about: Rae, Cindy, Melonie, Davinie, Dena, Roree, and Nicole.

Love the card, the pictures of your beautiful dd & the info you shared about yourself in your tag. (I taught in a one room school house grades 1 to 6 my first year of teaching, music and french.)
Hey Sweetness! I knew you were a teacher but I didnt know that you taught on a reservation! That is really cool. I love your lil tidbits about yourself. It is always so fun to get to know your friends better :)
I will put mine up today after I drop Zoe girl off at school.
Well, Kati is darn adorable in that dress. Those curls! Those blond curls!
Love what you did with your card this week.
I loved your 7 things and will try and come up with something asap, lol.
So beautiful, both the little lady and the card.
The pictures of your dd turned out great. I enjoyed reading the tidbits about you. Hope you have a great day.
What a great post, Dani! Not only do we get to drool over your wonderful card, but we get entertained by those gorgeous pics of Kati and your tagging game answers. I've really been enjoying reading everyone's random facts lately. Yours are wonderful. I can totally relate to the shy one.....I am really, really shy in real life, too.
Oh how cute is Kati? Love those pics. Loving your random facts-I am totally shy in real life too. Thanks for tagging me, I'll post mine soon.
Great card! Those photos are just precious Dani!! I think the 'posed' ones are just as cute...especially when they are 'trying' to pose! LOL!
Fantastic card Dani... and those photos of Kati are just precious!!
OMG could Katie be any cuter?? What a gorgeous little girl.
And I totally love your card too!
She can really pose for the Camera! Tee Hee! Adorable photos! I Love evrything you do and would be embarrased to put my work next to yours!
Those photos are so great! What a cutie!! Of course your card is fabulous as well!! Fun stuff to know about you. Have a great day!
Dang, that is a pretty card...and what a cutie!!!!
Hi Dani! I LOVE your banner!! Omgoodness that's so CUTE!!
Look at your little Kati! She's a DOLL!!!!!!! :) I can't wait to see you scrap those gorgeos photo's!
Your card is amazing.
I'm serious. Dani--you NEED to write an idea book. I'd so buy it. :)
love your card for this week and how cute is little Katie? she's a natural in front of the camera! Loved reading more about you!
Kati is sooooooooooooooooo adorable!!! Sooooooooooooooo cute.
I have been tagged as well and I think it's a great way to dig inside and commemorate some bits and pieces about yourself.
love all the layers you added to your card! the resin flower is just gorgeous! :)
Kati is adorable and I love that dress!
The card is beautiful, I love everything about it. Very creative!
Great pics! She is such a doll!
What a beautiful card, Dani! And those photos of Kati are just precious. It was fun learning more about you. Thanks for the tag!
Haven't gotten the girls to a "professional" photographer? The pictures you took are professional in my book! What an adorable little girl. Love all of your stuff!!!
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