OK - I know I am totally biased! XOXO I just had to share these photos of my girls with you that I took today! We tried to go to one of our favorite playgrounds today, and then we got there and there was a sign that said, "closed for renovations until Oct. 5th". What? The snow might be flying by then, for pete's sake! :) (OK maybe not..but pretty close!)
So next, we were going to go apple picking. We pulled in and popped into the store and asked for a bag to go pick our own apples. Nope! They don't start letting you pick your own apples until THIS Saturday. Another idea shot!
So, we grabbed some cider donuts and off we headed to the school playground. They built a new one recently, because they are adding onto the elementary building and had to demolish the old one. I wasn't sure if that one was going to be open either, but it was! The girls ate their donuts (heck, donuts are better than apples anyway, right?) and found a little friend to play with while we where there. She was adorable. (I would have taken her picture, but didn't think her mom would have approved.)
The last photo isn't great quality, but it cracks me up...it is SO typical of them! Taylor bugs Kati, Kati gets upset, then calms down and goes back for more. Oh the joys of sisterhood!

Did I catch you still awake lady! LOL...
YOUR photo's of your girls are beautiful!! What software do you use? I just got CS4...learning to use it and I already LOVE it! :D
How cute are you guys going to play at the playground. I just love that and miss those days!
HUGS Dani!
Off to answer your email..yes, you caught ME still awake. LOL!
beautiful girls you have there.. :) *hugs*
Beautiful little girlies! Mine are the same with each other. love hate relationship....mainly love though.
awe such gorgeous girls and photos danielle!
They ARE "little cuties" for sure!! Even though it wasn't your first choice of things to do, it looks like they had a blast! ♥♥ Kay
I love your photos!!! Going to the park is a lot of fun and eating donuts is WAY better than eating an apple in my opinion!! Glad that they had fun!
Hope your weekend is a great one!
What sweet photos and beautiful girls!
Oh, your photos are SO precious, Dani! They are lucky to have each other! Sounds like you all ended up having a wonderful day, even after your various false starts.
those are such great photos...i love having a sister, these remind me of that.
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