Anyway, so getting rid of things I don't need felt *really* good. To take control again and declutter. I've been decluttering every room. (Not that we have that much clutter, but I love a clean space.)
Then the other day while I was waiting for a prescription at Target (love that place), I happened upon Jillian Michael's book, "Master Your Metabolism". I read a few passages and it struck a cord with me. I quickly brought it home with me and started reading. I was amazed with what I read. If you get a chance to get this book, I promise it will change your life! I had no idea what I was doing to my body. I'm not overweight by any means, I'm 114 pounds right now and 5'4". But I really want to just be "healthy". I decided to give up soda. Completely. You don't know how hard that was. I started exercising on the elliptical again and lifting weights. I realized that I need to make more time for ME to be healthy for my family. Moms always seem to put themselves in the backseat, but I want to be here for my girls for a long, long time.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...change is good. We can always improve. We can make healthy choices for ourselves no matter how busy we are. Life is precious and we should do the best job we can with it. It's only been a couple of weeks, but I feel good! Really good. And I hope to continue to take care of myself more, so I can in turn take care of my family.
Scrappy-wise, I have been working on projects for January's Craft and Hobby show in California and the manufacturer catalogs, but still have a lot left to do. I apologize for the lack of posts, but I will get to share it all soon! Here is a little sneak peek~

Good for you! Neither purging or being healthy are easy! We've moved 8 times in 7 years and are working on our 9th move in a couple months. After my last two I have purged each time and your right, it does feel great. It helps having someone else help I think. I usually get my hubby or my mom to help as they usually encourage the tossing part. As for the giving up soda...kudos to you! I am addicted to my one can of Dr. Pepper a day. I'm not sure I could give it up. lol...
I watched that last night too. Those people were not nearly as bad as the ones I have seen on A&E's "Hoarders" show. I am really good at throwing things away unless it is books, those I hang on to even though I can't read a book again.
Hello Danielle~ I read your post with much interest as I too moved often. I can understand where you are coming from. I love Jillian Michaels so I am going to try to grab the book & thanks for the inspiration on your blog on so many levels.
You're a darling person.
All the best to you.
Can't wait to see what creations you post.
Hope you can follow my blog at:
Purging definitely feels good. Congrats on kicking soda and getting back to you!
Hello Danielle, I love your post today! I totally understand you, if it is hard to move a lot in your own country imagine how hard is to move to a different country far away from your family, culture language etc ...
I have a hard time letting things go too and not just the material things. I too moved just about every schoolyear, sometimes even twice in a schoolyear. I'm afraid to purge bcause I regret letting things go later ..... Good luck on the healthier lifestyle, i not only am off soda's but also off sugar now that is withdrawal hard core .....
Hello :) I also saw that show last night and it was truly sad. I can totally understand the need to fill life with "stuff", but it is also a great feeling to let go of things. It lightens things up a bit, at least I think so.
I gave up soda about 2.5 years ago, every now and then I have one, but I don't live off it anymore. I don't even miss it. I think the most difficult thing to do is take care of ones self when they are a mother. It's easier to take care of everyone else.
I cannot wait to see what you have been working on!
Have a wonderful day!
Good for you! I need to get Healthy! It seems like Ive been sick alot lately and not sure why, but the doctor says lots of sleep, eating right, and getting my butt moving will help alot! Can't wait to see your wonderful creations!! Hugs, Char
Good for you Dani! and {{{HUGS!!!}}} for trying to make some changes! Just taking those first steps are usually the hardest to do!
Can't wait to see your CHA projects!!!
Hey Danielle! Hope your week is going well! :)
I know you know I am doing the Jillian Michaels workout on my Wii everyday and she kicks my butt! I had no idea she had a book out about metabolism as well. I will have to see if our library has it and check it out to see if its something I want to buy! I am sure, like you I'd be surprised at what I read!!!
I cannot wait to hear all about how its changing your life! Being healthy is really important. The older I get the more I realize how important that truly is!
I also go the bug to de-clutter recently! It feels good doesn't it!!! Good for you!
Thanks for sharing that she has a book out!
Happy Tuesday tomorrow!
Congrats to you! It is always hard going into a change and getting that "me" time is always way more tricky than it sounds! I think any mom can agree to that! Good luck on your new journey. Can't wait to see your posts after the show!! :)
Can't wait to see what you do with everyone's new projects. Hope your giving up soda goes well. :)
Dani, I loved reading your post today. Thank you for recommending Jillian Michael's book. As I'm reading your blog I have a diet coke sitting next to me! Oh my! I drink too much diet coke. It's my biggest vice I have been struggling for many months to give it up. Maybe Jillian's book will help me.
Have fun creating for your design teams. I can't wait to see everything when you're able to show us!!! Don't apologize for a lack of posts. I KNOW it will be worth the wait!!! Many hugs!! ♥♥ Kay
I spent a whole day yesterday cleaning and purging in my scrap room, and it was great (though I didn't get finished). Hang with feels good!
Good for you Danielle. I am a purger too, and I feel oh so good when I let clutter go. Love the sneak peek!
Good for you is right! Way to go. Just one question though....can you come and declutter my space now? LOL
Hey Dani, hope you are doing good:-D
Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing!
wow...i feel like i can relate to you and everyone who has commented here. i have done the purging of my house. i just need to do the purging of myself. you have inspired me to give up soda and get back on my elliptical. thank you danielle.
Wow, do I just feel like you typed out parts of my life! I just requested that book from the library and can't wait to read it. And, my words for 2010 are organize and simplify. I was just thinking that my closet needed to have a few things purged. I have clothes that are too big from when I was having babies, and I am not going to need them. I guess it just makes my closet feel "fuller". For what? Out they go. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for being real.
Good for you Dani!!!
my word is Re-organize and declutter for this year...the two go hand in hand i think so that is my focus...glad i see someone else feels the same...good luck with it :)
I know just how you feel. I'm going through the same thing right now only I cannot find the time to declutter. I would just rather move into a new house in order to force me to start out new and to throw out a LOT of stuff. :D
Purging is a wonderful idea, but I carry it a step further. I consider lovely, but unfinished projects adoptable, so I slip them into a bag and donate. Into a big leaf bag go things others might like and that might allow for monies raised to help the less fortunate. Throw away little!! Carbon footprints are decreased and you get a jewel in your do good crown!!!
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