Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New way to journal...

This week I was graciously asked by Inspired Blueprints to create a page for their new sketch #43! (see below)

If you haven't been over there to visit, you will be very inspired. I plan to pop over there more often for inspiration - these ladies are SO talented!

I don't usually go by sketches, but I found it to be something new and fun to try. It can really get you started - even if you don't use the sketch exactly!

Here is my thought process as I built this page:
I found this brown die cut paper in my stash and liked the sides on it and thought it represented the design on the left in the sketch. I also had an idea to do a full page of journaling in the background (inspired by an ad that I saw) and then lay my photos over the top. I had these cute pics of Kati playing puzzles and instead of writing, "Kati loves puzzles" (boring!), I decided to jot down all the things I could think of that she loves to play these days! I ended up repeating the journaling, because I couldn't think of enough things to fill up the whole page. But it turned out to be a good thing because then I didn't feel bad covering up some of the journaling with the pics. I don't have a 12 x 12" printer, so I printed my journaling on a piece of 8.5 x 11" vellum and layered it over the die cut paper.

Jenni Bowlin supplies used: Town Square die cut paper, Sheriff's Office Town Square paper, chipboard stars, orange Vintage Sew-On Buttons and the yellow paper is Lemonade from the Front Porch line. Alphas are Pink Paislee.

Working on my March 19-20th classes for Connecticut and I'm thrilled as to how they are turning out! I can't wait to visit them again and share what I've been up to! Hope to see you there. Here is the information again: Lasting Memories. More info on the classes is coming soon, I promise.



Deana said...

That page is gorgeous & I ♥ the repeated text idea. :-)

Nancy Wyatt said...

Amazing! Love it! Hugs from Texas!

Anonymous said...

Your funny, you sound so much like me starting to do Lo'S. Use a sketch?, don't use one ..and the last few weeks I've been trying it and I like the jump start! This is a terrific journaling idea and just so cute!

Molly said...

Wow, I love the idea!! Great LO!


Frances said...

Love your layout...I am going to give the journaling a try!

mustangkayla said...

Your layout ROCKS! I love the journaling background, too cool!

mustangkayla said...

Your layout ROCKS! I love the journaling background, too cool!

Anonymous said...

I love that layout, Dani! :)

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

Hi Danielle! LOVE that round LO is so beautiful!! :)

Melonie said...

Totally in love with this page Dani! The colors and embellies are all so perfect together. Love the idea of a journaling background too.

Cris Cunningham said...

I love your take on this sketch Danielle! And I can't wait to see you in CT in a couple of weeks. xoxo

Kay said...

Amazing layout Danielle and you did awesome with the sketch! I love your journaling idea and how you repeated it. The stars are great! ♥♥ Kay

KimA said...

Thanks for joining up at Inspired Blueprints - I love the way that you interpreted the sketch.

Anabelle O'Malley said...

LOOOVE this page. You are so amazing.

Guylaine Seyer said...

Good day!
I really love your blog and your work.
I'm a Franch Canadian and the owner of a challenge, magazine blog named Karma Scrap. Each week I post a link to a blog to discover. This week I choose your blog and put some of your creations too. Let me know if you are not comfortable with it.
You should have some visitors from Quebec theses days :)
here is the message you can see:

Andrea Amu said...

Such a great layout, girl! Love the repeated journaling on vellum, and I LOVE Inspired Blueprint sketches!

Anonymous said...

absolutely love this idea Dani!!! thanks for sharing.

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

This layout is just WOW! love all your stuff!

Jennifer Yates said...

Hey Danielle! Thank you so much for being with us this month!!! We appreciate all the IB *LOVE*!!

Babydoll said...

Great page! I love all the journaling. :)

Juliana Michaels 17turtles said...

love what you did with the journaling and what a great LO design!