Sunday, October 30, 2011

Would you like to win a Studio Calico kit? *now closed*

Studio Calico is giving me one of their November main kits to give away! Just leave me a note on this post or the previous post where I shared my kit projects, and I will add you into the drawing. Everyone who already left me a note will be entered. Good luck!!

P.S. I will be chatting at SC tonight from 9-10pm EST. Hope to see you there!


Renee V said...

What a beautiful kit (of course!), love SC and hope to someday subscribe to the kit club! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Amy Langstraat said...

I would love a chance to win!

Unknown said...

Oh, yes please! Thanks for the chance!!!

Jenna Ruth said...

I would love to win a kit!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Mernin said...

I love what you did with the kit this month! I have a friend who would love this kit...

christine said...

I love their collections. Would love to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

charo said...

Thanks for the opportunity.
Kisses from Spain.

Hope and Chances said...

How lovely, I would love to win! :)

Unknown said...

If it could be possible!!! Love this!

marianne-g said...

Love all your projects and would love to win a Studio Calico kit. Thanks for the chance.

Lucy Abrams said...

Wow - I'd LOVE to win a kit. Thanks for the chance. Your projects have ben so inspirational. The Kati Rose scrapbook page from yesterday blew me away. Totally gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Thanks for the chance to win!! -Mindy

Donna said...

oh wow.......I'd love one. I haven't subscribed for months and I miss it. Your projects were incredible Dani. Thanks to you and SC for the chance.

Anonymous said...

There is so much that you can do with this kit!
carol b

Creative Box said...

Thanks for the chance and best regards from Germany!

greekmama said...

Thank you.

Ella Swan said...

You always do lovely things with whatever you are given to work with & I so enjoy popping in here every-so-often and seeing what you have been up to :)

Shonie said...

Thanks for the chance to win this kit! I love SC and really should subscribe to their kit!

Serendipity said...

Who WOULDN'T love a Studio Calico kit?? And with your inspiring projects, well, it's a perfect match! Thank you for the opportunity!

Diana Fisher said...

Thanks for the chance! Love the colors and those buttons!

Kryssi said...

Me! I have been on the fence abt subbing to SC and this wd be perfect to try them out first. Thank you, Danielle. Love your work!!

Mrightley said...

This looks like a gorgeous kit and your projects are amazing! I would love to win one!

mary bartolotta said...

I had to let go of my subscription, so I would love to win this...thank you!

Joyce said...

What a great kit. Thanks so much for the chance to win it.

8thgypsy said...

I'll gladly take one of those kits if I'm lucky enough to win.

Jackie said...

omg! i would love to win this giveaway! i had to give up my subscription due to finances, so ive been missing out on all the SC goodness :( pick me, pick me! :)

Kasey said...

What a beautiful kit this month! And, I loved what you made with it... very inspiring! Thanks for the chance!

Anita said...

This kit is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Christin aka Umenorskan said...

I have been looking at this kit for a long time, and when one of my current kit is up for renewal, I will chose this.
Love what you have made with the kit.

Dawn said...

love all of the things you created with this kit - you are so inspiring! hoping to win! thanks!

Becky said...

Would love to win. Thanks.

Moondust47 said...

Yes, please! Thanks for the chance!

Cheryl Leong said...

Oh goodie!! TFS!
cheryl131091 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Love SC! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

love all your creations using this fab kit and especially your best days LO and hand stitching done on that. XOXOXO

avidreader said...

Love Studio Calico! Thanks for the opportunity!

Suzy Girl said...

Thank you for the chance to win.

Valerie Bishop said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love the projects you made with the kit!

Angela said...

This is such a gorgeous kit, and your projects this month have been equally gorgeous. I'd love for a kit to come and live in my house ;), so thanks for a chance to win one!

Agneja said...

Thanks for the chance! I would love to win!

Jeannie said...

Gorgeous kit ... thank you for the chance to win!

Gracie said...

Thank you for the chance Dani. :)

TenSGal said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win! Love your blog and your are the best!

urbanmingo said...

Such a wonderful giveaway, thanks for hosting! I would love to win the kit!

Harriet H said...

thank you for this opportunity and I would love to win this !!!!!!!

clippergirl said...

Your cards and layouts are gorgeous! I especially love how you made the snowflake out of the AT creative and smart:)

katrynka said...

I'd love to win!! Thanks for the chance.

Sheri said...

I would love to win. Been trying to figure out how I could budget to get one monthly! They look so fun. Thanks!

Meghan said...

I've been looking at the Studio Calico kits for a while now. They are gorgeous. What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jytte said...

Woaw, sure i want the chance to win tjis lovely giveaway ... Thanks for the chance .. :)

amfuller said...

Tossing my name into the hat. Thanks!

Brenna said...

Love your Best Days layout! Can't wait to play with this kit!

Katie Richey said...

I loved all your projects from this month's gallary! Especially the cool snowflake! Thanks for the chance to win!

Miriam Prantner said...

What a gorgeous kit! Would love to win!

Serene said...

Beautiful kit and I love the projects you made with it. :D

Melinda said...

Loved seeing your projects from this kit! Thanks for the chance to win!

Denise G said...

I would love to win this beautiful kit. Thanks for sharing so much on your blog. You are amazing.

Sierra said...

SC is amazing! I would love to win anything of theirs! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

michelle said...

Never had a sc kit in my hands so would love one to play with!

Jen said...

I would LOVE a chance to win :) Thanks so much! Loved your gallery and everything you did with the kit, so I can't wait to get my hands on one myself!

Angèle said...

A lovely kit! Thanks for the change to win it!
Best regards from the Netherlands,


Margie said...

What a beautiful kit!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

I would be so happy to win Studio Calico! I look forward to every post you do. I have been lusting over the December Daily Add on... Cele

Sarah Jacqueline said...

Gorgeous kit! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Cristina said...

You worked wonders with this kit, Danielle (then again, is there anything you don't work wonders with?). Thanks for the chance!

Nielouphar (Neelu) said...

thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Love your work this month! You have a great eye for combination and your detail work is stunning! So glad to have your inspiration this month!

Bellaidea said...

and me! me too!

ShellyJ said...

How fun! AND I loved your gallery this month :)

Kimberly said...

It's a great kit and you did a wonderful job with it!

Sharyn said...

oh! oh! oh! MEEEEEE!!!!

Niina said...

If I win this it will be birthday present from me to myself :D

chantal said...

What a nice gift you want to offer, it's very kind of you. I'd love to win the chance of having this wonderful kit!

Dri Noleto said...

Your work is always superb!And I loved it!Congrats!

Anonymous said...

oh, I'd love to win!!! : ) :)

Janet a.k.a. swanlady21 said...

Would love this kit!

Melissa said...

I love the colors and exclusives in this kit! I also love your projects for your GDT spot. :) Thanks for the chance!

Joanna Clarke said...

I love SC and would love this kit. thanks so much for this opportunity. Love your blog!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

I just love visiting your blog--you inspire me! LOVE your creativity and talent:) THANKS for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

The Mize of Texas said...

Yes! I would love to win a kit!

Jennifer L. said...

I'm just now being exposed to Studio Calico seeing it pop up on several of my favorite blogs. Would love to try out a kit. Thanks for the chance to win!

Kate Yetter said...

What a fun kit! I would love to be entered.

Caroline said...

Im surei left you a comment on your previous post, but i would love to win a kit. thanks for the give away :)

Anonymous said...

I love your work. Hope i win :-) Julie

Patty said...

The kit looks fabulous. Thank you for the chance to win one!

Donna said...

Lovely kit, great brand. Thanks for the chance to win it and good luck to everyone.

BrookeK said...

Would love a chance to win - have never used Studio Calico but it all looks so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Danielle, I would love to win. I have never even seen Studio Calico products.

Stephanie Bentley

Judith said...

Yes, please, I would! Thank you for the chance to win!

Laci J said...

Woohoo! Love the looks of this kit!

Amanda Johnson said...

Your projects were fabulous, and I would love the chance to create with this beautiful kit! Thanks for the chance!

sarahjayne26 said...

would love a chance to win
your work is beautiful and extremly inspirational


Anonymous said...

Hi - Studio Calico OMG !jane

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for a chance to win SC kit. I love you style, the colors are so beautiful. Thanks. Lana.

clouds said...

I was so excited to see you were the guest DT member this month!! very cool! congrats! I'd luv to win the SC kit :)

richardbreaks said...

Oooooo, how nice!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Anonymous said...

I would very much like to win a SC kit too! Thanks for all the inspiration you give.

Erin Szewczyk said...

Lovely kit! Thank you for the consideration!

Misty said...

this is one of the easiest give aways to enter.. thank you for sharing. I love your work, and I admit to scraplifting.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a kit! Thanks for your generosity! connie G

BethW said...

Darn I missed the chat. I would love to win a kit-you have inspired me with all your creations.

Jane said...

It was lovely chatting with you today over at SC and Thank you for the chance to win this lovely kit...

Ann T said...

This is a great kit. Thank you for the chance. Your projects are beautiful.

Jody said...

Studio Calico kits are fabulous! I would love to win one!

jen shears said...

WOW! thanks for the chance- I adored what you did with these fab products!! :D

rush said...

of course i would love to win a kit. wonderful collection of papers. thank you for the opportunity.

Valerie said...

thanks for the chance to win!! love their kits, but can't afford a subscription.

Anonymous said...

I love all of what you do, but I especially love your collaboration with Studio Calico. I was so excited to see you guest designing. Thanks for this opportunity.

Lexi said...

I'd love for a chance to win! Tks to Studio Calico :)

Anonymous said...

I love Calico, sign me up for your giveaway....I am also starting my blog later this week. Thanx Charlene

Chris Scrap said...

JE TENTE MA CHANCE !!!! I would ove to win too !!!

Jessamine said...

Wow, such a stunning colour combo- I love what you did with it in your previous post x0x

KimberlyRae said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Danielle...such an
give away! I'd love to win...
thank you for the generous chance.
Love your projects always TFS♥
Hugs and Blessings,

Shalini said...

super gorgeous kit!!! hve my eyes set on it ever since i sw what all u did with it in your last post!!! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!

Thanks for the chance!!!

~~Nektaria~~ said...

Oh WOW Danielle!

Studio Calico is always sooooo generous!!!
Love you work.... I check in everyday to see what scrumptous project you have come up with!!!

Thanx for the chance to win!!!

Anonymous said...

Danielle you rock!!!Great cards,fantastic fact Studio Calico should make you a permanent member of their designers.

Christine Dearinger

Anonymous said...

This kit is just wonderful and I really love your work... Thanks for giving us a chance to work with those beautiful kits...

Sandrine Cailleux


A beautiful kit!!! thank you

Juanna Hope Sia said...

i would love some of that SC goodness! (:

batice71 said...

Mee!!! I love SC Kits. Thanks for this blog hop !!!

Lisa Voerg said...

I have enjoyed all the creations that you have made with the kit. I would love the chance to win!!! Thank you.

Danielle Higginbottom-Brown said...

you rocked this kit Dani! Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for the chance

Dolly said...

I love Studio Calico and I love the projects you made with this kit! The pinched circles stamp looks like so much fun to use and the card you made with it is gorgeous! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Sue said...

What fun. . .I've seen several of the projects from this kit and it would be fun to own. Thanks for sharing your talent!

Amy Papale said...

Awesome kit! I would love a chance to win!

Lynn said...

Love SC kits! Your projects are so inspiring, as usual!

Anonymous said...

i just discovered your blog recently and loved it so much i added it to my blog roll! thank you for inspiring me!

Kathy Martin said...

I would love to win a SC kit! I've never had one!

famillemarleau said...

This is a great kit. I would love to win it. Thanks for the chance, Johanne L.

Linda said...

What a lovely kit!~

Sharri said...

Love Studio Calico! Love your blog and projects! Would love to win this November yumminess!

Jess said...

Wow that is so nice i would love to win.

barbie_love said...

So much inspiration and fun! Would love a box of goodness at my door!

Anonymous said...

Great kit from Studio Calico, thanks for the opportunity to win.

Debbie Pereira said...

The kit looks amaizing. thanks for the chance to win.

Laurel said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I visit your blog everyday, you are so talented and inspiring!

The Partiologist said...

Oh how I would love to win! You inspire me with every post!!!

Sharon Huffman said...

Beautiful kit! Hope to remember to catch you tonight!

ericarose said...

love this kit

Unknown said...

Lovely kit. Thanks for the chance to win.

debbie susee said...

Beautiful kit. I just love all your creations.

Ana Amaral said...

Yes, please, I would like to win this gorgeous kit!!!
Thanks for the opportunity!!
Ana Silvia

Roxanne O'Brien said...

What a gorgeous kit! Thanks for the chance to win it :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this chance to win, Danielle !
Chiara84 (France)

Monika/Buzsy said...

Thanks for the great give-away. I've been enjoying your crappy projects using these kits! You are so talented Danielle.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

THis kit looks so yummy! Thank you so much just for the chance! love your work you are a huge inspiration! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I sure would like to win this lovely kit. You are soooo talented and your colorful work makes me happy every day.


andie librandi... said...

why, yes, i would love to win this kit! :) thanks for the chance! xxo andie...