Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm on cloud 9!

I had such a wonderful day yesterday! We spent the afternoon with my in-laws hanging out and having a wonderful dinner together. Then when I arrived home, I received the best news!! I made it on the Create My Keepsake design team to design for their kit club!! I love this site and have to admit it's my very favorite place to be on the internet, the scrappers and design team there are so, so very talented!!! Rebecca's kits are so innovative and gorgeous. I'm a little overwhelmed..hopefully I can keep up with the other girls!! She actually chose 2 of us and the other one is Cathy Pascual (whose designs I ADORE..her little girl is so precious)! You can see her work here.

I will leave you with a few cards made for Treasured Scrapbooking with their September card kit! (3 Bugs in a Rug, Chalk Garden line) Yummy! Get one while they last! Oh, I almost forgot...I chose a winner randomly for my 3000 hits give-away and the winner is.......MELONIE!!


Marlou McAlees said...

more stunning cards love them!! congratulations for making the team!! and also to the winner Melonie xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your CMK design team accomplishment :) ~ should be a piece of cake for you, as you do gorgeous work! Enjoy!! rae

Lisa said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!
Dani you will make such an awesome addition to their team!!!

Raechelle Bellus said...

WOHOO!!! Welcome to the team girl!!! I am so excited to have you aboard! :) Your cards with the TS kits are stunning! You are so talented!

Meri said...

Your cards are amazing, you will be an absolute delight on the team, congrats and all the best!!!

LisaW said...

Congratulations Dani! You so deserve the spot and I'm excited for you!

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

love this cards! :)

Michelle said...

CONGRATS TO YOU ON DT FOR CMK!!! You sooo rawk in every way shape and for creatively!

U are gonna be the next up and coming star girl!!

LindaSonia said...

Congrats!! Love your designs a lot. All the best to you. LindaSonia

Unknown said...

Congrats to you girly!! You ROCK!!

Shannon said...

Like I've said all along Dani - you totally deserve it! They are lucky to have you.
PS- I saw your page in Memory Makers - YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Cindy Gilchrist said...

Congrats Dani!! They are so lucky to have you!!!

Tina said...

I am so happy for you!! Welcome to the team Dani! Your cards are GORGEOUS!!!

Regina Easter said...

CONGRATS go girl...your stuff will shine where ever you go....I so love these cards to...the colors are great... regina

Amanda L. said...

congrats......I can't wait to see what you do with the CMK will be gorgeous I'm sure!

My Paper World said...

Really stunning! I love your style!

janet said...

I'm so excited for you, Dani! You really deserve it! Have fun working with the amazing kits! Love the cards!