Tuesday, January 1, 2013

embellishing tips and tricks.

I finally did it....

A few of my scrapbooking friends have been encouraging me to jot down some of my ideas and put something together in a book form, and I was approached by Big Picture Classes and Ella Publishing about a year ago to put an eBook together for them. I wasn't sure what people might want to learn from me, but the folks at BPC/Ella wanted to know why I choose the embellishments that I choose in my work and tips on how to embellish more effectively. So...after a few months of hard work, lots of LOVE and dedication, it's finally here: the Embellishing Handbook! :)

Inside I have twenty never-before-seen projects...one layout and one card for each of my ten tips on embellishing. So whether you are a layout person or a card person, this eBook is for you! (Papertrey Ink fans...I have a ton of Papertrey Ink projects inside!)

I will give you the top five reasons WHY I embellish...what I use embellishments for and why I choose the ones I choose. And the top five reasons HOW I embellish more effectively...what embellishments do for our pages and how to use them to your advantage!

Here is a sample of one of the cards that I made for the eBook.

Did you know embellishments can be die cuts and stamps? Even punched shapes? To me, embellishments includes anything that pretties up your project. On this page, I talk about how to use embellishments to reinforce the style you are going for. Fun and energetic? Use bright colors and large embellishments like these chevrons that grab your attention!

Thank you for letting me share my news. I am SO excited for you to see the projects inside and truly hope these tips help you embellish your projects more effectively. You can find my eBook for sale at Big Picture Classes and Ella Publishing.

I'd love to give away a copy to one of my blog readers! Just tell me what would you like to learn most about embellishing? I'll choose one random winner soon. Wishing you a very happy New Year!


Jeanna said...

I would love to learn how to embellish in layers. I think I'm too 'safe' when it comes to my work. I love layers, but when I put them down I think they are busy, and always tend to go for a more balanced, symmetrical look. I'll take whatever advice I can get!
Thank you, Danielle!
PS. Congratulations on your eBook!

Renee R. said...

I would love to learn how to mix layers and textures and patterns like you! I can CASE but get stuck when trying to pull embellishments together on my own. I'm always inspired by your artwork. So happy for you getting your ebook published! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Dana Kirby said...

Congrats on your New Ebook! What a great start to 2013!! I would love to learn any tip and trick that you have...I love your style. Thanks for the inspiration!!

Sarah Jacqueline said...

SO excited for you- congratulations! I would love to learn the best ways to embellish with patterned paper! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lee-Anne said...

Congratulations on your e-book! I love embellishments and am always looking for new and creative ways to spruce up my layouts. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your ebook. That is super awesomeness and you must be really proud of yourself.

I would like to know more about layering different embellishments. :)

The Scrapbooking Queen said...

Oh wow how super exciting for you -congats on this wonderful release
Royal Hugs
The Scrapbooking Queen

The Scrapbooking Queen said...

Oh wow how super exciting for you -congats on this wonderful release
Royal Hugs
The Scrapbooking Queen

kvk said...

Congratulation on your exciting news about your new e-book! I would love to learn how to build clusters of layered embellishments and how to balance them. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your book - crossing my fingers and saying a prayer!

Maple said...

Congratulations on your E-book! So exciting! I would love to learn how to layer the embellishments and put all the pretty bits together!

Anonymous said...

I want to be able to take little elements from my older stash and put them together with the newer stuff, so I can use them up but still have an up to date look. I would also like to get some new ideas as I find I keep putting the same things together as I am comfortable doing this, but they end up all looking boring! I can't tell if it looks balanced or interesting.

SheriE. said...

Congratulations Danielle! I always am inspired by your work. I tend to struggle with how to layer things well. I usually stop too soon.

Gypsy 2 said...

Congratulations on your E-Book.Fantastic news and very best wishes for success!
I would like to be able to think more outside the square and how to mix and match textures for a fabulous effect....aka Danielle Flanders.

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I would love to learn how to make clusters look good.
I love how you embellish so flawessly.

Hope and Chances said...

Congratulations, how wonderful. I truly admire the way you embellish, the balance and positioning is perfect, something to definitely emulate :)

Unknown said...

Congrats Danielle ! I tend to group and stack my embellies, but I see that sometimes you scatter them and it's lovely, I'd love to read something about this.

Lou said...

Happy New Year Danielle and big congratulations. There is always something inspiring on your blog so i just know your e-book is fantastic. I would love to see how you layer your embellishments too x thanks for a chance to win a copy x

Karen said...

Embellishing a scrapbook page takes me forever! I would love to learn how to choose items to create a cluster of embellishments. I'm a CAS girl, but I love the embellishments you do, but I can never seem to make them work for me. Thanks for a chance to win! And congrats on the book!!!

Danielle Higginbottom-Brown said...

Thanks for the chance!!! I would love to learn more about layering embellishments!!! Congrats on the book!

katrynka said...

Congrats on your book! Thanks for the chance to win! I'd love to learn anything I can, I'm not very skilled at creative use of embellishments.

NancyB said...

Happy 2013! Congratulations on your new book and thanks for the chance to win one! I am more of a shabby, vintage type of girl but have problems layering. Would love some advice and tips on that!

Nancy said...

Wow I've always been impressed by your projects, but now an ebook you should be very happy and excited, what an honor PLUS an Ebook, very techy (is that a word)? I'm sure everything you share in the book would be helpful and informative, I would like to better understand "balancing" items on the project and know when to "Stop", as I prefer a clean & simple look. Would love to receive your offer and a big CONGRAT'S to you (well deserved).

Becky Elliott said...

Your book looks beautiful, Danielle! I love all the sneak peaks! So nice of you to go a give-away-Thanks!!

SuZeQ said...

A card is nothing without the embellishments. I would love to learn all there is to learn about what to embellish with and where to place it. Thanks for the chance.

Susie W. said...

Winning a copy of your book would be awesome! I've always admired your ability to layer and embellish. You always inspireme, but my projects just don't compare to your's at all. So, I would love to know your secrects to embellishing!
Thanks for the chance to win AND congrats on your book!!!

Caitie J said...

Would love to either win or purchase this ebook. Looks like a great resource! I'd like to know, other than the rule of threes, what other rules do you use in scrapbooking?

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

wow!!! Congratulations!!! This looks like an amazing book! I would love to learn more about layering embellishments, I love adding them to projects I just never know how to layer them with out making it look too gaudy. Thanks so much!

natashakara said...

The book looks like it is packed with great info. I'm sure I could learn a LOT! Like how much is too much? Or knowing how to add that one extra detail that will take your project from wow to WOOOWWW!
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful resource :)

Cindy said...

Congratulations! How exciting for you! I'd love to learn how to embellish without going overboard...I like to use color, but picking all the different elements and papers that go together takes me forever! Tips, PLEASE!!

jw said...

Congratulations on your book! I would really like to learn more about layering embellishments. I love the look, but sometimes think I'm a little too cautious in my projects & often feel like they just needed a little "something more". Thanks for the chance to win!

Sandi said...

I would love to win your book as I need to take my craft to the next level. I really need some pointers on layering and some ideas for creative ways of embellishing pages and cards.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your ebook! I would love to learn how to tie gorgeous bows like you do, I'm always jealous of your bows!

Meghan said...

Congratulations on your ebook! Woohoo! The thing I would most like to know about embellishing is when to stop. Sometimes I just get on a roll and don't know when enough is enough!

Linda Nicholson said...

Congrats on your eBook! I think the thing I always struggle with is placement (the whole rule of three/visual triangle thing).

I would love to be more confident in my wmbellishig and not feel like I just threw stuff on my project! LOL!


Leap Year Baby said...

Congratulations! Love all the inspiration. Wondering if you start out with a vision of a completed page or do you take a step at a time and let it inspire the next step and then when to stop? Love your designs!

Cathy Weber said...

I have such a hard time figuring out exactly where to put an embellishment. You do it so effortlessly, but I am sure there is some really good reason why you put things where you do! I would love to read your ebook! Congratulations on writing one, it must have been a lot of work!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your book! I think learning how to incorporate everything together without it looking overdone or thrown together.

kristinkat2 said...

Wow! So proud of you for entering the published world! Your work always inspires me - I was introduced to you by PTI, and you continue to challenge your readers with beauty every time you post. Thank you!

A Crafty Person said...

Congrats on your book! I would love to learn how to put on my embellishments so they have style and a look that enhances my project. Right now, I feel like I just pile on the frills and fancies without rhyme or reason.

Anonymous said...

I usually make one layer CAS cards - more because layers intimidate me! I'd love to learn how to add layers without compromising style! And I love e-books. Just got a new NOOK HD for Christmas so this would be the perfect book! Thanks for the chance to win.

Diane said...

My cards tend to be flat even with embellishments - would love to know how to better make them pop!

bjmartin said...

Congratulations on the new book Danielle! I struggle with layering embellishments - love the way they look but can't seem to get the right balance myself. Your book looks like it might be a great help!

Jennifer K said...

Congrats on your ebook! It looks like a labor of love. Since I'm a pretty CAS gal I always struggle with grouping items and how many is too many. You have a knack for putting together such pretty items.

Elizabeth S. said...

Congrats!! I would like to learn more about placement and what type of embellishments would work for my cards.

Kathy Mc said...

Danielle, congrats on your very own ebook! I'm sure it was a lot of work but definitely worth it to us when you share your creativity secrets. Embellishments really make a project pop, but I have difficulty layering and mixing patterned papers. Would love to win a copy of your ebook!

Teena said...

Congratulations on your accomplishment!
My biggest challenge with embellishments is when I make it a focal point or add to a focal point. How much is too much and mixing patterns. I love embellishments and would love the chance at winning a copy of your ebook, thank you!

Anne B said...

Happy 2013 and congratulations on your new book. I'd love to learn more about ways to embellish and embellishments that really add some pizazz. Thanks for the chance to win!

Chunyuan said...

Would love to learn more ways of using different embellishments. I like clean and simple designs, but struggle with add something to make the project pop.

LEG Studios said...

Cgratulations, Danielle! What an exciting adventure for you and the readers of your new book!

Judi R said...

Congrats Danielle,

Love your work. Look forward to reading your embellishing tips. Thanks so much for sharing!
Now I understand the gaps in your blog!! Enjoy
your blog daily!! Happy New Year, all the best for 2013!!

Melinda said...

Congrats on your ebook! I'd love to learn how to embellish without it looking cluttered and over done!

Jennifer said...

I love how your embellishments often add a sweet and/or romantic touch. I would love to learn how to do that.

Larissa Heskett said...

SO EXCITED for you!! I am wanting to be able t add more embellishments from different companies together!! I find it hard some times to mix and match!! THANKS for the chance to win and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

Leigh Penner said...

Congratulations, Danielle! This is fabulous & so well deserved!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Karen C. said...

Congratulations on your publishing adventure. I would love to see how you create and use embellishments. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Myoriah said...

Congratulations on being published. I would love to learn how to embellish without adding bulk to my cards so I can mail them without paying extra. I also would love to learn to create more of my own embellishments out of what I have.

Luvpurple said...

I want to learn to embellish without overdoing.

moodyblue said...

Looks like a great book!
I'd like to know more about that fine line between not enough/needs something and "whoa, that's too much!"

Jodi_E said...

i so need, want, am dying for,excited about, would do the happy dance for this book.

Betty Sue said...

I love all your projects!!! I would love to learn when too much is too much and not enough needs more.:)

Barbara said...

congratulations Danielle. I would love to learn more about the "different" ways to embellish. ie beyond the usual flower ie such as your layering in the photo above

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your e-book! Looking forward to checking it out since I am a regular PTI customer.

Happy New Year and thank you for the opportunity!

Anna Natalia said...

I'm a fan of your works. I would really love to win one copy of your book. Thanks, Danielle.

K said...

Congratulations! I've always loved your work, especially for PTI, since that's my favorite company. I would love to win a copy of your e-book. My biggest thing that I would like to learn about embellishing is how to make it look more spontaneous rather than planned and pieced. Thanks so much for the chance!

Jannina said...

Wow!!! What a great way to share your talent! I wished I knew how to put random pieces together and make it a nice embellishment group. I haven't quite skilled that yet

Nancy Guse said...

What I would love to learn most is to know what embellishment would make the card be a WOW! Well and where it should be placed. That's an awesome accomplishment to put a book together!!

Anonymous said...

What exciting news! Congratulations on your achivement. My biggest problem with embellishment is knowing the strategic point to stop! Also, I am constantly struggling with colour...how to achieve a stylish combination for the project in hand without resorting to predictability....thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize!

Anonymous said...

You are the master of the embellishment so i am not surprised that you have created an e-book. I love how you layer your embellishments and would love to take some advice. Congrats, Danielle you so deserve this opportunity.

Cara G said...

Congratulations Danielle...how exciting!! I love your work and love how you are able to layer & cluster embellishments without it seeming too over-the- top or too fussy...I would love to know more about your process for choosing what you do. Thanks for the chance to win too!

Jessrose21 said...

I'd love to win a copy of your new ebook! Congratulations on your accomplishment! Embellishing is something I'd like to look more spontaneous on my projects. I'm also trying more to incorporate the embellishments into the design, rather than just stick a flower in a corner type of thing, kwim?

Hanne said...

Congratulations on publishing your first e-book! I am totally not good at embellishments, so I am really looking forward to your tips and tricks!

- elbeth - said...

I'd love to learn how to match your embellishments with each other and the card/layout. I always struggle with getting everything to fit!
I love your style!

Holly Saveur said...

HAPPy New Year to you and your family Danielle!
And Congrats with this stunning book!
I would love to learn to put more embellisments on my cards..I tend to be a CAS girl.....but love it when I see cards wit many items on it!

Lizzie T said...

Congrats on the ebook Danielle!! How exciting! I'm a CAS gal and sometimes struggle with finding that extra something to make the card complete. I also struggle with layering and pattern papers - hope you can help! Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy 2013!

Keri said...

I love to embellish! Making my own embellishments is SO much more fun (and rewarding) than buying them. What I struggle with, however, is what to do with them once I make them. ;) I have a box of handmade embellishments just sitting in a box.....waiting to be put to use.

Pam Young said...

I struggle with mixing color and patterned paper. I stare at your work and wonder how you come up with such outstanding embellishments using simple things that most of us already have!! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Tara said...

Congratulations on the ebook! I love your work and can't wait to see the book in all of its glory! Thanks for a chance to win.

Book Bling said...

I want to be able to pick embellishments that are not overwhelming. I sometimes overdo things!

Jingle said...

I love how you cluster stuff! I'd love to be inspired on great ways to achieve that look!

Anonymous said...

Good for you - how exciting! I'd love to know how to embellish without going overboard.
Carol b

The Mize of Texas said...

Congratulations! I am very interested in getting your book. I love the out-of-the-box approach that you use when looking at materials and tools. Your designs are always very fresh and inspiring.

Scrapper Myra said...

Congratulations on your publication. It sounds fun! :) Happy New Year!

Mary-Anne V said...

Congrats that so exciting to publish! I always wonder how much is enough and the placement of embellishments in relation to images or sentiments on cards.

Paulette S said...

Congratulations! What a neat accomplishment, especially since you were asked, it's an honor too. I love to make my own embellishments via die cuts, but I would need help with balance. I make all different size cards and it's obviously easier to fill a 4 and 1/4 x 5 and 1/2 card, than it is to fill an 8 and 1/2 x 5 and 1/2 card. And sometimes I even needed to make 8 and 1/2 x 11 inch cards for the property inside just for signing by friends. Thanks so much for a chance to win a copy.

Sparklin said...

Yay! It looks awesome! And the best is I've won one over at Studio Calico!

Janet said...

I think the problem I have now is that I have sooo much that I get lost. I need help in narrowing down what I want to do and how to find the correct embelishments for my project.

Sandy Kay said...

I'd like to know more about how you do stitching on a card. What are some of your tips? I've done some, but with not-so-neat results! Thanks for the chance to win your e-book! Congrats!!

Karey said...

I see not only are Congrats in order for your ebook but also for making the DT @ Pink Paislee!!!
I have trouble deciding what goes with what. I know that is a problem with my mind. I can look @ what someone else makes and think WOW.

Unknown said...

This is so exciting! I would love to know more about how you choose your colors and placement of embellishments.

gardener said...

I really need help with scrapbook pages. And use of embellishments for both cards & scrapping. This looks exactly like what I need. Thanks